Immunization Information
Caring for Your Child
Medication Authorization
All prescription medicine carried or taken by a student must be accompanied by a PRESCRIPTION AUTHORIZATION FORM filled out by the parent. Only the prescribed dose per day may be sent to the school. Medication must be clearly labeled with the student’s name, and the dosage and name of the medication, and the medicine must be sent to the main office. All medication including over-the-counter medicine must be kept in the school office. School staff or monitors may administer acetaminophen or ibuprofen with parent’s permission, as indicated on the medical form. All student medical information not otherwise public knowledge will be regarded as confidential by DCA and treated as such.
Immunization Information
Texas state law requires students attending public and private school to be immunized against certain vaccine preventable diseases. Students are required to have all immunization records completely updated by the first day of school. Students without the required information will not be allowed to attend school until records are up-to-date. Please contact your physician to verify your child is up-to-date with the current State of Texas vaccine requirements. You may see a complete table of current vaccine requirements for schools and read more information regarding immunization and exemption requirements at http://www.dshs.texas.gov/immunize/school/school-requirements.aspx.
The Immunization Branch encourages you to get your child vaccinated early so as to avoid the end-of-summer vaccination rush. Getting your child vaccinated protects your child’s health and that of the community. Students should get vaccines from their health-care provider. If necessary, please make an appointment to get your child vaccinated as soon as possible. Remember, students cannot go to school without the appropriate documentation for the required vaccines or a valid medical or conscientious exemption. Should you have any questions about the recommended vaccines, please consult your health-care provider. You can also visit the Department of State Health Services (DSHS) website at www.ImmunizeTexas.com or call the Immunization Branch customer service number at (800) 252-9152.
If you prefer to not immunize, you are required to have an exemption form from the State of Texas filled out, notarized and turned in before the beginning of school. These are good for two years only. For more information regarding exemptions, go to http://www.dshs.texas.gov/immunize/school/exemptions.aspx To access the online exemption form, please visit https://co-request.dshs.texas.gov/.