Making the right educational choices for our children are some of the most difficult and pivotal choices we make as parents.

We are so thankful you have chosen to consider Denton Calvary and this unique model of education as an option for your family. We are here to assist and equip you as you explore what we believe is a “better way” to educate.

What’s the Process for Admission to DCA?

1. Attend an Information Meeting

Attend a Parent Information Meeting to explore our campus and learn more about us.

2. Review School Materials

Review all school materials gathered at the Parent Information Meeting as well as the website. Be sure your family has read and agrees to our Statement of Faith. Pray about it.

3. Online Application

Complete the online application for admission and submit the application fee of $200 for kindergarten and first grad applicants and $125 (plus $160 ISEE testing) for grades 2-12.

Please Note Application Deadlines:

  1. Fall 2025 – July 10, 2025 at noon. 

  2. Spring 2026 – November 14, 2025 at noon.

4. Submit Records

Submit academic records (standardized testing, report cards, transcript) and reference contact emails (two academic and one spiritual – must be non-related adults).

5. Entrance Testing

The ISEE (Independent School Entrance Exam) is required for all incoming 2nd - 12th grade applicants. Currently the cost of the ISEE is $125 - $160 and is not included in the application fee.

The ISEE is a computer based test, therefore younger applicants should have basic knowledge of a keyboard and how to use a mouse. Kindergarten and first grade applicants will be scheduled for an in-house assessment (fees included in application fee).

Admissions staff will contact you to schedule entrance testing.

Remote ISEE testing options are available at an additional cost.

6. Committee Review

Denton Calvary Academy seeks to partner with families where our mission and values align, but we recognize that our school may not be the right fit for every family. For this reason, acceptance into DCA is not guaranteed. To help ensure clarity and alignment, we kindly ask that all prospective parents attend a Parent Information Meeting before submitting an application, as the application fee is non-refundable.

7. Family Interview

If the decision is made to move forward with the applicant’s file, admissions staff will contact you to schedule a family interview. Note: All steps in the admissions process must be completed prior to scheduling of the family interview.

8. Admissions Decision

The Admissions Committee makes its decision after careful consideration and prayer. Due to the sensitive and, at times, difficult nature of the committee’s work, decisions not to accept a student are shared by letter and without further comment.


Frequently Asked Questions