
Come Alongside

Support DCA

Your support is essential in raising funds to enhance and sustain the rich tradition of academic and athletic excellence at Denton Calvary Academy. Fundraising for DCA is not simply about bringing in dollars to meet the school’s needs; it is also about exercising biblically-based stewardship of all resources as we take seriously the privilege of being entrusted with funds by parents, grandparents, alumni, and friends who are committed to our school’s vision and purpose. We seek to honor God in the way we use the funds that the school is blessed with.

We want you to know that your gifts to Denton Calvary Academy are making an impact on the lives of the students here because your funds allow us in a very real and practical way to fulfill our vision:

“To see our students, today and tomorrow, glorify the Lord Jesus Christ by improving the lives of others through a life-long love of learning, discovery, and service.” 

Click one of the buttons below to make a one-time or monthly donation!

One-Time Gift

Monthly Giving

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Applications for Fall 2024 are now closed
Please visit our Admissions page for more information.