How does a University-Model school work?
University-Model Schooling
Thoughts on UM…
“Our youngest daughter attended Calvary from 9th -12th grade. She is now at Baylor University, and she is thriving due to the fact that Calvary is a University-Model School which taught her time management and organization.”
Kiz, parent of a DCA alum
What can I expect at a UM school?
What does a typical week look like?
In a UMS setting, students attend classes on campus two or three days each week. When students are not in class, they complete work assigned by the teacher for their home instruction days under the supervision of their parents in the home “satellite classroom.” The combination of on-campus and off-campus days creates a five-day school week for students.
AT SCHOOL…Students:
- Are taught new concepts by qualified teachers
- Demonstrate master of subject matter through assessments
- Present projects and speeches
- Interact with peers
AT HOME…Students:
- Complete assignments which include drill and practice for mastery
- Study for assessments
- Craft and prepare for projects and speeches
- Spend time learning from and bonding with family
What is the Parent's Role?
In the elementary years, parents assume a co-teacher role. The classroom instructor plans the lessons and teaches on the days that students are in class while the home parent teaches the planned lessons (with the aid of a teacher guide), grades papers, and encourages students on home days.
However, in secondary years, as students progress toward independence, parents spend less time in direct instruction. Rather, they play a pivotal role in encouraging good study habits and organization with the goal of helping students gradually prepare for college.
What are some of the benefits of the University-Model structure?
- Parents assume ownership of their child’s educational choices and spiritual upbringing.
Students/families have more control over their schedule/time.
UM teaches time management skills.
UM teaches a strong work ethic.
Families enjoy more time together.
Parents benefit from time with their children to teach the love of learning.
The UM schedule prepares students for college more gradually and effectively than traditional school structures.
What are the core values of the University-Model school?
- Love and glorify God
- Help fulfill the Great Commission
- Pursue Christ-centered community
- Affirm, encourage & equip families
- Educate with excellence
- Integrate home and school
- Reach out to the world
How does DCA help families succeed?
How much time will be required for studies on a typical home day?
How do I know what to teach each week?
What are DCA's "academic standards?"
How does the cost of University-Model schools compare with traditional full-time private schools?
How well are students from University-Model schools accepted by colleges and universities?
What do DCA graduates say about how the University-Model prepared them for college?
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